Sunday 17 May 2015


Why are they so delicious?? You may ask.. What makes them so special??? Well somethings will always remain a mystery .. Somethings are just the way they are.. So just eat them... Eat these honey comb shaped crispy sweet desserts and bask in their awesomeness.. Give in to your innermost temptations.. Do not fight the urge .. Let the demon inside come out....... Wait.......
That is enough drama ,lets just cut to the chase... I an gonna share two of my waffle experiences in Delhi. Two places where I had brutally eaten waffles and left no evidences at the crime scene... I mean on the plate...
Now a waffle(also known as a Belgian waffle) is dough or batter cooked between two plates and has a specific pattern on it(kinda like a honeycomb). ... I have been eating them for a while but there are two places which stand out... So here it goes:

Massacre #1 Rico's:

Don't get confused by the appearance of this eatery.. May look tiny ..A small restaurant in GTB Nagar but as soon as you open the door you will be blown away by the liveliness of the place... So much energy ... So much joy... So much food... A place usually frequented by college students(no wonder it is so lively) , Rico's serves a variety of cuisines. Now as I was skimming through the menu my eyes rested on the waffle list.. There was a tiny description under each item.. There was one which said waffles with blueberry sauce,raspberry sauce and chocolate sauce topped with whipped cream. My brain went into overdrive. I just had to eat it...So i placed my order... Now a lot of times you see something on the menu and you start picturing it. More often than not the real thing does not even come close to the image in your head and you are left disappointed. But sometimes(one of those "one in a blue moon" moments) the dish exceeds your expectations.It so happened this was one of those times for me. As soon as it arrived I wasted no time.Picked up my knife and fork and started gobbling it down.. And man was it good. Crispy and yet soft and fluffy .. The blueberry and raspberry sauces blending in perfectly ..The chocolate sauce doing a little dance on my taste buds... And it was finally gone.. I kinda wanted to cry that it got over so fast but it was my fault.. Had to eat it like a savage. Did not feel any remorse when I licked the last drop of raspberry jelly off the plate... 

Massacre #2: Johnny Rocket

I know its a little difficult to bother reading after seeing this beauty but please do try.Now Johnny Rocket is an American theme restaurant located in Select City Walk Mall. Looksa lot like something which came out of the 1970s. Im talking booths for eating... Jukeboxes and some good old rock n roll Elvis Presley style. The place has amazing burgers too. Now I did not bother reading the description in the menu this time.. I saw waffles and I ordered for it.. What came was unexpected... This particular victim of mine had two scoops of butter scotch ice cream on it...TWO SCOOPS ... and it was topped with raspberry sauce and chocolate sauce and there were pieces of raspberry too... This one.. I ate slowly.. Enjoyed every single bite. The warm waffle and the cold ice cream were blending beautifully . There is something fascinating about alternating hot and cold flavors. No wonder sizzling brownies taste so awesome.. I usually don't prefer having butter scotch ice cream but had to make an exception this time ...I was helpless... Had to give in ... 
Finally it had all disappeared... One slow heavenly bit at a time ... The massacre had come to an end.. The waffle was no more ...

I know my story was gruesome... But it sure was delicious . If any of you get a chance do visit these places... and please share your experiences with me... 
Bye... (Waffles beware )

Saturday 23 November 2013

Jaggery and chicken?

This was one dish which my family was skeptical about. The reason??? Well I used jaggery . My family has never used jaggery in savory dishes, it was just for sweets so it was wierd for them when i decided to use jaggery.My sister was the most skeptical about it. She was like there is no way I am eating that junk but when it was done and she tasted it she finished her share and was asking for a second helping. Mom was impressed too coz I am an amateur cook. Iwant to share this recipe so here it goes. I do not believe in quantifying ingredients because taste is subjective and cooking comes from the heart. There are 3 stages in this recipe:

Stage 1: Frying the chicken

chicken(how much ever you want)

1. Mix the cornflour and water in a bowl and make a batter out of it.
2.Put the chicken into the bowl containing the batter and add some salt.
3.Mix it well.
4. Heat some oil and gently put the chicken in.
5. Fry till it is golden brown.

  Stage 2: Awesome red chilly paste

Some dried red chillies

1.Soak the chillies for 20 minutes in water so that they soften.
2.Put the chillies in a blender
3.Put in garlic. Here i will give you an estimate of the chilly and garlic ratio. for 8-10 chillies use half a garlic. You can alter the ratio based on how garlicy you want it to be.
4.Put in a little water.
5.Run the blender till a fine paste is form
Note: You can control the spicy by diluting the paste.

  Stage 3: Where it all comes together

Red chilly paste
fried chicken
chopped onion


1.Heat the oil for a minute
2.Put the chopped onions in and cook till it is slightly brown
3.Add the red chilly paste
4.Jaggery comes in a block. Add some water to it and make it into a liquid and pour it in.
5.Adjust the red chilly paste and jaggery accordingly to get the sweetness and spice you desire.
6.Mix it all well.
7. Put the chicken in and continue mixing.
Voila!!! Jaggery chicken is ready.

Note: I just want to warn everyone that the red chilly paste is extremely spicy. Please be careful when you use it.

Pigging out on some pork

I have just shifted to Delhi which has turned out to be an amazing city. There is food everywhere. I take a stroll on the road and every few minutes I see someone selling something mouth watering. Gaurav( a friend of mine) and I were having this strong craving for pork and the two of us are crazy about north-east Indian and Tibetan cuisine. We went to a place called Dilli Haat where for the first time I saw all the cultures of India assemble at one point. There was food from all over the country. Very quickly we located a Manipuri food stall and placed our order.
Pork Thukpa
 First it was the pork thukpa.For those of you who do not know what a thukpa is, it is a noodle soup with lots of veggies and meat. After the first bite I looked at Gaurav and the two of us were smiling like we had just struck gold. Very quickly we gobbled our food down displaying minimal table manners. Well, sometimes you get carried away.. What to do???.
Pork Momos

Chilly Pork
The next course was some pork momos. Momo is another word for dumpling. The momos here were huge. Usually the ones I eat are half the size of what we got. It is accompanied by this spicy garlic red chilli sauce which compliments the momo perfectly. When it comes to eating its almost impossible for me to take small bites so I just stuff my mouth with an entire momo. Sometimes it is a little painful because it is fiery hot,ended up burning the roof of my mouth a couple of times but when all those flavors burst out in your mouth it is totally worth it. This course was quite heavy and by the end of it we were pretty full.

But, we still had a third course. The awesome chilly pork and being food lovers, Gaurav and I could not let it go to waste. With our heads held high and forks in our hands we dug in. Suddenly, our stomachs were able to accommodate more food. The chilly pork was spicy, I guess you have already found that out from the name but it had strong flavors. It was so delicious that once it was done I wanted to lick the plate clean. I had to refrain from doing that because people were already staring at us because of the pace at which we were eating. Anyway, once it was done my belly had swollen up by a couple of inches but I did not care. I just ate a beautiful meal.

This was one experience i am never going to forget. It was pork overdose and I loved it.